Can you believe I've been married now for 40 days?!?!?! Well, me either - it's crazy how time flies. I know everyone says it does - but the last few years have flown, and this summer has gone by SO FAST! So much has changed this summer - it's been such a wonderful summer - the best of my life.
I said that this blog would be about the details of our wedding - so I better stick to it and write it so I remember it for later in life...
Where to start....I've already covered the we'll go with the SHOES
I knew I wanted green shoes after coming across a blog (now a website) (bridal friends, check it out - there are so many wonderful ideas). So I went to a local business and had them custom dyed -
lime green. Once the bridesmaids dresses arrived - well, long story short about them (fyi - order your dresses from an actual store and not online, no matter how much money you'll save, you won't in the end) - I wanted hot pink (fuchsia) shoes for the girls. I originally was going to go with black dresses and lime green shoes, but I wanted more color involved in our wedding - so therefore I went with the lime green dresses with the cream trim.

The shoes were one of my favorite elements and details of our wedding.
For the church - We had white Gerber daisy pew balls, floral arrangements at the end of the aisle that I designed; hot pink petals that Miss Kasiah dropped; handmade pillows that Josh's grandma sewed and I embellished with a button - the boys were so proud of them and took their job very serious...This is one of my favorite images from the wedding - right before I walked down the aisle, Josh smiling at Kohl, so sweet.

We kept the church pretty simple because we spent so much time on the reception. Two days before, we hung lanterns (I'll have to add the picture later, I still haven't downloaded them) and had flower arrangements with tea lights on every table.
So here's what started this whole black, white, and lime green wedding....

I found this image on trying to find something to kick start our wedding. Needless to say I didn't know that about every wedding I've been to has had this theme, or something similar this year. That part was sorta a bummer...but we did it differently and I am bias and loved mine the best. My mother sewed all of our tables runners - about 42 6 foot tables worth - I bought about 4 boldts of fabric and we found the actual table cloths dirt cheap at Wal-Mart after Christmas last year. I loved loved loved how it looked. It was something never done before in Wellington and I wish I could go back and sit there and look at it for hours. (I'll have to add images of the tables later as well)
Next up - THE CAKES AND COOKIES - YUMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! Just thinking about this makes me crave them....

Our cake came from Artistic Cakes in Wichita; after trying about 7 different cake companies at a bridal show, this one was my favorite. Our main cake was a four tier white cake with buttercream frosting. I gave our baker a picture of the design and he pulled it off beautifully!

I made our cake topper - I order the letters online and then searched 4 different stores for the right crystals to glue on their. If you want to buy these letters already pre-jeweled, you're looking at spending $100+ for colored jewels. Granted, it took me about 2 days to glue on every glue, but it was worth it. I love it and can't wait to get a shadow box and display everything.
And we have the groom's cake - otherwise known as the cake Josh didn't even get a bite of...

It was a chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. Once again, our baker did an amazing job recreating the drawing that I gave him. I'd had this picture of a guitar longer than I'd known Josh so I drew that out with the Kyle Bennett Band upside down horse shoe that was on their first album. It came out great and unique :) I loved the picture (everything was amazing minus the whole chocolate factor).
Sugar cookies, sugar cookies, sugar cookies - oh ya, we had some SUGAR COOKIES!!!!!!!

YUM!!!!!!!!! My other mother, Karen, made over 250 sugar cookies for our gift. Every since I had my first frozen sugar cookie from her I've been in LOVE with them. I even tried to follow her recipe last Christmas and they came out horrible! She has the magical touch of amazing when it comes to sugar cookies. Instead of wedding favors, we used the sugar cookies as gifts and also in memory of the ones that have passed before us that couldn't be with us that day. Karen's son, Curtis, was a dear friend of mine and he passed away in high school. Her & Mr. P have been family to me ever since. We still can't thank them enough for all of the wonderful sugar cookies that they gave us :)

Well, I think that's it for this post - now it's after midnight and I'm craving wedding cake and sugar cookies (Thankfully we'll get some this weekend when we head home)