2010 has probably been one of the best years of my life --- and here's why starting from the top ---
January --
Cold weather, nothing terribly exciting, the usual celebration at Longhorns - pretty boring. Jan. 28, 2010 -- One of the last Kyle Bennett Band concerts at Longhorns.

Josh & I - Our first picture of 2010
February --
More cold weather --- My 5 year class reunion; Feb. 4, 2010 - the LAST Fat Dixie concert at Longhorns. I saw these guys for three years. I've seen them change drummers three times - it was always fun when they were around.

Our last picture with Mr. Jared Sutton - friends, if you're in Oklahoma and he's playing - go see him.
Josh & I had our two year "dating" anniversary on Feb. 23, - we had a nice dinner at Old Chicago before he had to go to work.

Another favorite concert - Mr. Aaron Watson & the boys were back in town.

March --- fairly boring this year....
I did get to see Clay Walker - not a terrible show, except he sang "Lonely too long" twice, and then they played it as his exit.

Fake Patty's Day -- not my favorite, ever.. too many drunks that smell --- but Lindsay did come see me at the bar

St. Patrick's Day -- trip to Oklahoma -- why? To buy a truck :)
Josh & his new beautiful diesel Dodge truck :)
April --- The start of weddings & baseball. I was honored to photograph, our friends, Jess & Cade's wedding - BEAUTIFUL!
Here's my favorite image --

and of course, BASEBALL ----

May ---
One more month until our wedding - holy cow! Those were my thoughts every month until our wedding. So much planning, showers, and events - it was amazing!

My maid of honor, Jennifer & I at my shower in Wichita.
Cason's first t-ball game - he was awesome!

June ---
My favorite month of course :) So many events, I'll try not to bore you --
My 23rd Birthday - Dinner at Olive Garden with Josh, Jess, Cade, & Coy - it was small and great :)
My bachelorette party in Kansas City - it was so much fun (minus power & light - I will never willingly go there unless an event is going on and it's for someone I love dearly).

I'm so thankful for each and every one of you that helped make this event so special.
THE WEDDING :) June 26, 2010 - the day I married my best friend, Mr. Josh Olsen (if you're bored, check out the other blogs about the wedding). I'll just post some of my favorite moments of this day ---
My favorite girls

Our reveal

Mr. & Mrs. Olsen

Our amazing wedding party
Our amazing family - we are so thankful each and everyone one of you were at our wedding.

The Troutman Family

The Extended Troutman Family

My two amazing big brothers, Josh & Jeremy, I love you both so much!

The Nichols' Extended Family

Josh's amazing family I'm so happy to be apart of now.

Josh & his two sisters, Angie & Shannon - we're so glad they were both able to make the trip up.

Our four favorite little guys in the entire world - our nephews - the ring bearers.
Kohl, Coy, Cason, & Cole

Our favorite and last Kyle Bennett Band concert. Due to unfortunate circumstances, our favorite band dismembered on September 10th.
A new best friend -- Miss Robyn

And our bar friends that came to our wedding ---

July ---- Our honeymoon!! ORLANDO!!!!!!!!!

Getting ready to head to Orlando

Mr. & Mrs.

Our first fourth of July together

Cinderella's Castle
August --
Our youngest nephew Coy's first birthday
Parent Child Golf Tourney in Wellington --

September -- the breakup of our friends, and the founding of our new favorite band, the Thieving Birds. Josh's 26th Birthday - celebrated by working, but thankfully Bart Crow was in town.

October -- trip to Texas to see the Thieving Birds & family.
Josh & I with the THIEVING BIRDS

Jon, Robyn, Me, & Josh at the D Vine Winery

Robyn & I in the Stockyards

My first Dublin Dr. Pepper - YUM!!!
November -- Thanksgiving - family time, football - lots of football.
December -- Christmas! It was so hard to get in the spirit this year for Christmas. I still have no idea why. Best part of Christmas, like always, is family. Poor Cason was sick with the stomach flu, so activities were limited. It was nice and quiet.

Our first Christmas as Mr. & Mrs.
I hope you all have had a wonderful year - these are just brief moments of the many wonderful events that have happened. Happy End of 2010 and Happy New 2011! xoxoxo
What a great idea to blog pictures of the year! Wish I had thought of that! So glad we got to be a part of your big day in June!:)