Cole was the youngest player in the entire tournament. One kid couldn't make it so the guy running it asked Josh the Wednesday before if he knew of anyone. Cole was nervous as could be at the beginning. He didn't want to warm up - but once both Uncle Joshs were there the nerves eased up a bit. He knew he was the youngest. The tournament was for 10-18 - and since he just turned 9, being the youngest got the best of his nerves.
When I first saw Cole that day - he goes "You're not going to take 300 pictures are you?" (At the last tournament he played in, the Wellington Parent Child - I took 300 pictures of him, Cason, Dad, & Jeremy). Jokingly I said "No, I'm going to take 800, is that ok?" - He blushed and I laughed. Well, this Aunt Amy is a VERY PROUD aunt. I'm not ashamed of getting out my big camera for any of their sporting events. I've taken all of my equipment to their football, basketball, and baseball games. Why would I not here? One of the other dads that was following this group had a nice point and shoot -- but nothing compared to me. It was kinda funny. I'm not ashamed to get out my 5D and my 200mm telephoto lens. Cole had 8 people following him that day, me, Uncle Josh T & O, Grandma Carol, his mom & dad, Cason, and his Aunt Kim. We're a proud family :)
Grandma Carol, Cole, Amy, and Cason

Cole made two puts that were amazing! The pro that was with their group was trying to help him with a put, and said, "It's going to break to the right". Cole goes "no, it's straight on". And well, it was. His face lit up - he knew he was right and proved he could play.
They started on the back nine, so Uncle Josh T. told him, at least you get to finish in front of the big stands (on 17 & 18). When we got there, the pro (I don't remember his name) asked Josh if he wanted to get behind and take a picture. Josh goes, no, I brought a professional. I laughed because earlier when we were on 10 - Jeremy looks at me and goes "Good, you brought your camera". I always have some type of camera.
Hole 17

I loved every moment of this tournament. Watching my nephews grow up breaks my heart, I wish they could stay little forever. Seeing them grow does make me happy, but sad at the same time. I'm really going to miss them when they move to Kentucky but can't wait to go visit!
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