I'm going to start to piece together my year in review blog that I did last year.
New Years 2011
Of course it was spent at the bar. Josh had to work and well I remember it being really boring.

February was fun. The Thieving Birds played in Manhattan on the 25th and we followed them to Texas on the 26th. Josh & I had been "dating" for 3 years so we figured we'd celebrate with a little getaway vacation. We got to see my old roommate, Rachel and meet her new boyfriend, Blake. They came to Woody's to see the guys play. We also got to see my cousin Brian and his family, while we were down for this trip.
Josh, Me, Rachel, & Blake at Woody's in Fort Worth, TX 2.26.11
March was rather uneventful. I decided to start a family restoration project of scanning, restoring, dating, and naming every family photo I can get my hands on. I've so far completed about 3,000 images and still have quite a bit to go. Of course there was Fake Patty's Day which I spent the evening changing out tips for larger bills because the bar was running out of quarters, 1s, and 5s like crazy. One of my favorite bands was here this month, Aaron Watson. I got to go on stage this time - he says I always can but it's still a little weird being up there while they were playing.
April was the 1st of our many wedding/wedding receptions this year. My high school friend, Samantha, and college friend, Ross - small world of how I know them, how they got together, and everything else. They got married last August on an island and had a reception on April 2nd in Manhattan. My other high school friend, Vicki Volosin came over from KC to be my date since Josh had to go to work. I also got to go home to see Cason's kindergarten program at Collegiate. He was a jeti. It was so cute to see him perform.
May started our crazy summer. The Thieving Birds were back in town. Which ended in I-Hop. Josh & I went with Brenda (his mom) to a T-Bones game thanks to her company.
I also got to see my bff Jennifer one last time before she moved to California. I miss her dearly and can't wait to see her in January!
The last week of May - we went to Louisiana to see his sister, Angie, and her family. It was great to go down there and see them. It'd been a year since we'd see them. Coy is no longer a baby (now he's two!)
My favorite part was having a photo session with them. Justin even cooperated!
After our week stay in Louisiana we drove 13 hours back to Manhattan to shower and head to our 2nd wedding of the year. The worst part was this wedding was another 1.5-2 hours away. We made it was literally 10 minutes to spare before the bride walked down the aisle. Congrats again BK & Jaclyn! It was so great to see all of our old bar friends again.
Directly after their wedding we drove back to Manhattan for the night to get up at 7 the next morning to go to Wellington for my parents' 40th anniversary party. We had about 40 guests come by and celebrate their marriage. The next weekend we had to go back down there for wedding #3. I was shooting this one on my 24th birthday - so it wasn't too wild and crazy.
March was rather uneventful. I decided to start a family restoration project of scanning, restoring, dating, and naming every family photo I can get my hands on. I've so far completed about 3,000 images and still have quite a bit to go. Of course there was Fake Patty's Day which I spent the evening changing out tips for larger bills because the bar was running out of quarters, 1s, and 5s like crazy. One of my favorite bands was here this month, Aaron Watson. I got to go on stage this time - he says I always can but it's still a little weird being up there while they were playing.

May started our crazy summer. The Thieving Birds were back in town. Which ended in I-Hop. Josh & I went with Brenda (his mom) to a T-Bones game thanks to her company.

After our week stay in Louisiana we drove 13 hours back to Manhattan to shower and head to our 2nd wedding of the year. The worst part was this wedding was another 1.5-2 hours away. We made it was literally 10 minutes to spare before the bride walked down the aisle. Congrats again BK & Jaclyn! It was so great to see all of our old bar friends again.

The rest of July was a sad one...My high school bff's mom lost her 13 year battle of cancer. That was one of the worst phone calls I've ever got in my life. My heart still and will always go out to her and her family. I went home for the funeral that following Tuesday and that night my Uncle Kris, passed away of health complications. It was weird and sad going home for one funeral to plan another. I'd never been involved in planning a funeral, but I had to help out my Grandma and do what was right for my Uncle. Since I had scanned all of the old family photos, I had put together a slideshow for him to be played. I gave Tytus the images and he put the songs with it on their program so everything looked right and wasn't distorted. I went down the day before his memorial service to make sure everything was okay as far as my standards go and everything had to be perfect. I cried. And then at the memorial service everyone lost it. EVERYONE. I thought my mom was crying, no it was my brother. My aunt then reached across Josh, grabbed my hand and she was crying. My uncle Ron behind me touched my shoulder, he had lost it. I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. It still breaks my heart that Peggy & Kris are no longer with us. But heaven has two angels now watching over everyone.
My aunts, mom & I at my uncle's memorial dinner.
Josh & I had also gone to help Amy move to Kentucky the last week of July. Jeremy was already in Kentucky and she needed help, mainly with touching up the house and the boys. It was sad to leave them. I cried the whole way back to Manhattan. Josh and I cried - missing all four nephews. I still miss them.

August started with my uncle's memorial service. We'd postponed it so that my aunt and uncle could be here. Uncle Ron & his family had already had travel plans from Kuwait to Kansas/Georgia at that time so it was just easier. The rest of August was quiet - THANK GOODNESS! I'd cried for about 3 weeks, I needed nothing to happen.
September - started our traveling part 2 of the year. But before I start in on everything else - at 3:30 on Sept. 2nd - Amy (sister in law) texted me can I call you? At the time I was at lunch so I called as soon as I got back to work so I could hear her. She'd told me Feb. that her and Jer thought about trying for another baby after she got off certain medicine. Well, they tried and succeeded! I will be an aunt again in May! -I was about the 3rd person to know, my parents didn't even know. So it makes this next part interesting -- I got to go to Kentucky with my Aunt Connie, Mom & Grandma to see Amy, Jeremy, Cole, and Cason. Knowing Amy was expecting and they wanted to tell mom to her face it was killing me. After we got there Amy & I were in her bedroom planning for their headboard we were about to make. I said "are you still ..." she said yes, I said okay you guys have to tell mom. That night after the boys were in bed, Jer, Amy, Aunt Connie, mom and I were sitting in the living room. Jer looks over to mom, "Amy's pregnant". Blunt and to the point. The look on her face was priceless. They find out next week what they're having and I can NOT wait!!!!!! I can't wait to spoil him or her. We got to see both boys play football, spend time together and start decorating their new home. I have lots of pictures printed for her when they come next week. After our trip to Kentucky, we drove to Branson and saw Lee Greenwood play, hit up the COACH outlet store (Mom & I both got purses) and then went to Plano to see everyone down there. I finally got to meet Cat, my cousin Matt's finace', and expecting at that. I was shocked when my mom had called me a few months before telling me Matt was going to be a dad and I hadn't met this girl. I knew about her from last Christmas when Matt was texting her the whole way to the casino (yes, we (Josh T., Josh O., Matt, Mom & Myself) went on Christmas eve). She's a sweet girl and now they have Miss Teegan. Josh celebrated his 27th birthday with work.
October - the first weekend Josh & I were given football tickets from my aunt & uncle. So we got to go watch the WILDCATS whomp the Baylor Bears.
Us at the Hilton Hotel before heading to Rachel & John's wedding.
Mr. & Mrs. Seidler and Mrs. & Mr. Olsen - Congrats again!
The next weekend marked wedding #5 for the year. Josh's groomsmen, Josh R. was getting married in Tonganoxie to Shannon Dare. We were so thankful to get to go to this wedding.
October 16th - The Thieving Birds were back in Manhattan. Always a great show - they got to open for Stoney LaRue. This trip ended at Denny's. The next night Aaron Watson was here again. As always, another great show. More emotional this time since him and his wife the week before lost their baby girl, Julia Grace. So so sad. My heart still goes out to them.
The last weekend in October my parents were up here along with my aunt and uncle. They'd brought them up to the OU game. We got to meet them for dinner at Famous Daves.
November - last wedding of the year. Back to Texas we go :) We were so excited to see two more of our friends tie the knot.
The next day we also got to meet Miss Teegan :) I got the privilege and honor of shooting her new born pictures for Cat & Matt.
We had to leave that night because I was hosting a baby shower the next day for Shalayne. She's expecting a baby boy (Ezra Bay) on Jan. 17th.
Thanksgiving - we'd spent the weekend we got back from Orlando in KC with Josh's mom & grandma and then we went to Wellington for Thursday & Friday. Probably the worst Thanksgiving of my life because of how my dad was acting.
December - so far it's been a lot of shopping and wrapping and well, I've been trying to scrapbook last year's Christmas before this one. I will post another blog after Christmas - which is so hard to believe that it's next week.
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!
I had made the banner in the background. I was very proud of it :)
Kayla, Me, Shalayne, Karissa, & Mom
The week of the 14th-19th- Josh & I went to Orlando - see my other post for all of the details. It was a great getaway. I can't believe it's already been a month since we were there. I want to go back already.December - so far it's been a lot of shopping and wrapping and well, I've been trying to scrapbook last year's Christmas before this one. I will post another blog after Christmas - which is so hard to believe that it's next week.
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!
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