Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Okay so the last 3 weeks have been consumed by Netflix - we finally gave in and downloaded it through our Wii. Since the first month is free we've been watching a lot on there. Not sure if we're going to keep it every month - some months are more boring than others so we will just go month by month. It's only $8 and saves time and money from going to rent anything. Granted there are some new movies but there are a lot of older ones. And tv shows. Oh tv shows. I decided that I would check out "Sons of Anarchy" and oh my gosh Kurt Sutter is amazing! (He's the creator of the show and also appears in it as Otto). Josh and I started watching it together (the only days we have together are Sunday-Tuesday but once Wednesday is here he's back to work and I'm alone. Well, I couldn't stop watching SOA. He caught back up and we finished all 3 seasons in about 2.5 weeks. Well, there are 4 seasons out - I couldn't quit watching. So I found them online and watched them all in about 3 days. Whoa. AMAZING SHOW! Who would have ever thought I'd be just as addicted to a motorcycle show as I am??! Not me. Or Josh. I follow Kurt Sutter (@sutterink) on twitter and every time he posts a blog I read it. He's so full of charismatic shit it's fantastic. He's so point blank and screw you it's awesome! He has a countdown to SOA Season 5 premiering in September - only 222 days away :) It'll be here fast and I CANNOT wait to watch!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Aunt of the Year
So I forgot to add this to my last post but I figured it needed a post of it's own. So after 9 years, yes 9 years I've finally started working on Cole & Cason's scrapbooks. I started Cole's when he was first born but I have put it off for awhile now. A lot has gone on, high school, college, wedding, etc. but a few weeks ago I decided to take their boxes of pictures I've been printing and put them together. I've got about 24 pages of Cole's done and about 7 of Cason's. Trying to do two scrapbooks at one time is challenging, plus mine. But I've put mine on the back burner to try to get caught up on their lives. Especially since baby #3 will be making her presence this spring. Which I can not wait to shoot her :) I know Cole & Cason will never read my blog, but I love this two guys with all of my heart. (And Kohl & Coy too). I'm so proud of all of their accomplishments and I miss them all so very much. They're going to all be heartbreakers, sorry girls, but these boys will break your heart, it's a fact. I wish I lived in the middle of Kentucky & Louisiana so we could see them more. I just have to keep remembering all of the happiness of the events I've been so thankful to capture. And that I will be going to see them this spring. I need to get that flight booked.
I'll post some pictures of my favorite pages once I get everything done - hopefully by Christmas. HA!
I'll post some pictures of my favorite pages once I get everything done - hopefully by Christmas. HA!
Catching Up - Start of 2012
I can't believe January is about over already. This month, like all of them, have flown by. I'll try to recap what's happened and what's coming up for Josh & I.
Let's start with New Years Eve -- our first one ever together that we didn't have to spend at the bar. It was closed because of licenses so we got to spend the night together - without drunken idiots. We went to the movies - which we hadn't gone to since Captain America this summer. We saw "We Bought a Zoo" it was so good! I highly recommend it. New Years day was spent cleaning and trying to put away Christmas decorations. We've been deep cleaning our apartment ever since. I want to get good and organized. I highly doubt that will ever happen in this apartment, but it's wishful thinking.
On the 7th, I had to shoot our friends, Kevin & Gina's wedding in Wamego. It was a nice simple wedding with amazing weather for January in Kansas. It was great getting to see all our bar friends again. Even though Josh had to go to work, we got to dance a little bit. That was just well, amazing. Two-stepping around the dance floor with some of our closest friends to some amazing music really couldn't have got any better.
We just got back yesterday from a trip to Wellington. Mainly to take all of my Christmas stuff home and see my mom. It was nice to be able to spend some time with her before heading back up to Manhattan.
We have this weekend here. I'm shooting a family from Gina's wedding on Saturday and then nothing on Sunday. I look forward to my nothing weekends more times than not because they are few and far between anymore.
Saturday marks the 8th anniversary since my high school friend, Curtis Peralez, passed away. His death still haunts me to this day and I still miss him very much. Yesterday when I got my hair done, "When I look to the Sky" by Train came on the radio. It was a song played at his funeral and I can't listen to it without thinking of him. It's just his way of saying he's still around.
Let me backtrack a minute -- my new years resolution. I always try to make one but like many people it never sticks. But so far I'm doing better on mine that I thought. My goal is to make at least 4 cooked meals a week. So far (this is while we are at home, we can't cook if we are on the road), there have only been 2 days out of 14 that we haven't ate at home at least one meal. I've printed out a lot of recipes and succeeded in a lot of them. We just went to the grocery store last night, spent $121, but I saved $29 with my coupons and plus card :) but we have meals for a good week, week and a half and I'm happy about that. I hope to save money by not eating dinners out so we can get some bills paid and take a trip somewhere this year. My sites are set on Vegas for my 25th birthday.
That's all I have for now. Work is slow until sports products come in at some point this week.
Oh one more thing -- tomorrow, the Thieving Birds will be in town. I'm excited, yet confused and sad. Found out last week, our friend, Fish, is no longer with the band. I'm not sure what is all going on but I'm sure there's two, well, 5 sides to this story but it still SUCKS!
Let's start with New Years Eve -- our first one ever together that we didn't have to spend at the bar. It was closed because of licenses so we got to spend the night together - without drunken idiots. We went to the movies - which we hadn't gone to since Captain America this summer. We saw "We Bought a Zoo" it was so good! I highly recommend it. New Years day was spent cleaning and trying to put away Christmas decorations. We've been deep cleaning our apartment ever since. I want to get good and organized. I highly doubt that will ever happen in this apartment, but it's wishful thinking.
On the 7th, I had to shoot our friends, Kevin & Gina's wedding in Wamego. It was a nice simple wedding with amazing weather for January in Kansas. It was great getting to see all our bar friends again. Even though Josh had to go to work, we got to dance a little bit. That was just well, amazing. Two-stepping around the dance floor with some of our closest friends to some amazing music really couldn't have got any better.
We just got back yesterday from a trip to Wellington. Mainly to take all of my Christmas stuff home and see my mom. It was nice to be able to spend some time with her before heading back up to Manhattan.
We have this weekend here. I'm shooting a family from Gina's wedding on Saturday and then nothing on Sunday. I look forward to my nothing weekends more times than not because they are few and far between anymore.
Saturday marks the 8th anniversary since my high school friend, Curtis Peralez, passed away. His death still haunts me to this day and I still miss him very much. Yesterday when I got my hair done, "When I look to the Sky" by Train came on the radio. It was a song played at his funeral and I can't listen to it without thinking of him. It's just his way of saying he's still around.
Let me backtrack a minute -- my new years resolution. I always try to make one but like many people it never sticks. But so far I'm doing better on mine that I thought. My goal is to make at least 4 cooked meals a week. So far (this is while we are at home, we can't cook if we are on the road), there have only been 2 days out of 14 that we haven't ate at home at least one meal. I've printed out a lot of recipes and succeeded in a lot of them. We just went to the grocery store last night, spent $121, but I saved $29 with my coupons and plus card :) but we have meals for a good week, week and a half and I'm happy about that. I hope to save money by not eating dinners out so we can get some bills paid and take a trip somewhere this year. My sites are set on Vegas for my 25th birthday.
That's all I have for now. Work is slow until sports products come in at some point this week.
Oh one more thing -- tomorrow, the Thieving Birds will be in town. I'm excited, yet confused and sad. Found out last week, our friend, Fish, is no longer with the band. I'm not sure what is all going on but I'm sure there's two, well, 5 sides to this story but it still SUCKS!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Christmas 2011
I can't believe Christmas has came and gone already. This year seemed to be the quickest of them all. Our house still has Christmas gifts everywhere as we're trying to deep clean and organize everything before just storing things away. I can't wait to someday have a home with a big, organized kitchen. That's a whole other issue but anyways back to Christmas. This year was very good, I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Cason wasn't sick like he was like year and I got some of the best news EVER!!!!
Before Josh & I went to Wellington on Wednesday, my sister in law, Amy, called me about 4:45 with some exciting news. She had gone to the doctor for a check up and sex reveal. And oh boy did she have some news --- or should I say OH GIRL!!!!!!! Yes, I'm going to finally have an NIECE! I can NOT wait! This spring will be such an exciting time and I can NOT wait to spoil the princess some more! (I've already bought her about 8 outfits that I got super cheap at Carter in Kansas City.)
Before Josh & I went to Wellington on Wednesday, my sister in law, Amy, called me about 4:45 with some exciting news. She had gone to the doctor for a check up and sex reveal. And oh boy did she have some news --- or should I say OH GIRL!!!!!!! Yes, I'm going to finally have an NIECE! I can NOT wait! This spring will be such an exciting time and I can NOT wait to spoil the princess some more! (I've already bought her about 8 outfits that I got super cheap at Carter in Kansas City.)
My first gift for my niece :)
Okay now back to Christmas...
Oh Christmas Tree --- Oh Christmas Tree
So I have my mother's love for Christmas trees. Okay, more like an obsession. This year I've started a new tree -- my Character tree. Disney, Superheros, Movies, whatever - I love it :) I can't wait to use a bigger tree next year with lights and balls and more color :) I of course did my K-State tree. I didn't do my lime green and hot pink tree, or cowboy tree this year. One I was lacking time and two, holiday spirit.

Josh & I started off by going down to my mom & dad's and then we left on Christmas day to head up to his mom's. It sucks not getting to spend enough time with everyone but that's how our holidays go anymore.
Here are some of the moments of the Christmas weekend - enjoy!

All of the guys got Jordy Nelson (Green Bay Packers, #87) signed football cards. I had him sign them in Feb. and have been saving them for Christmas. I'm a good aunt, sister, and daughter :)

Oh Christmas Tree --- Oh Christmas Tree
So I have my mother's love for Christmas trees. Okay, more like an obsession. This year I've started a new tree -- my Character tree. Disney, Superheros, Movies, whatever - I love it :) I can't wait to use a bigger tree next year with lights and balls and more color :) I of course did my K-State tree. I didn't do my lime green and hot pink tree, or cowboy tree this year. One I was lacking time and two, holiday spirit.
Here are some of the moments of the Christmas weekend - enjoy!
I gave my mom ornaments for her new peacock tree.
The peacock tree
I gave Josh a kinect
My mom got me a Coach wallet
The family
My mom & I
Josh & I -- our 2nd Christmas as Mr. & Mrs. (4th together)
We brought back Harry Potter wands from our trip to Orlando. Josh got Sirius Black, Me - Hermonie, Cole - Dumbledor (the Elder Wand), and Cason got Harry Potter. We opened them at the same time with my brother, Jer, not knowing anything, goes what did they get, magic wands? I thought Amy was going to never stop laughing.
I love these two - they're getting way to big!

We got Brenda this shirt on our trip to Orlando from the Nascar Bar & Grille shop.
Josh with his mom & Grandma
Only my husband would get me this :)
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. This was our first new years that we didn't have to go to the bar (long story, but whatever). We had a wonderful date night to the movies - we saw "We Bought a Zoo" --- It was awesome! We shared nachos and a Mr. Pibb :) and then had a drive thru dinner followed by watching the countdown at home and being lazy. It was nice not having to deal with Aggieville and the mess that comes with it on NYE.
Have a good one - xoxoxo
Have a good one - xoxoxo
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