Before Josh & I went to Wellington on Wednesday, my sister in law, Amy, called me about 4:45 with some exciting news. She had gone to the doctor for a check up and sex reveal. And oh boy did she have some news --- or should I say OH GIRL!!!!!!! Yes, I'm going to finally have an NIECE! I can NOT wait! This spring will be such an exciting time and I can NOT wait to spoil the princess some more! (I've already bought her about 8 outfits that I got super cheap at Carter in Kansas City.)
My first gift for my niece :)
Okay now back to Christmas...
Oh Christmas Tree --- Oh Christmas Tree
So I have my mother's love for Christmas trees. Okay, more like an obsession. This year I've started a new tree -- my Character tree. Disney, Superheros, Movies, whatever - I love it :) I can't wait to use a bigger tree next year with lights and balls and more color :) I of course did my K-State tree. I didn't do my lime green and hot pink tree, or cowboy tree this year. One I was lacking time and two, holiday spirit.

Josh & I started off by going down to my mom & dad's and then we left on Christmas day to head up to his mom's. It sucks not getting to spend enough time with everyone but that's how our holidays go anymore.
Here are some of the moments of the Christmas weekend - enjoy!

All of the guys got Jordy Nelson (Green Bay Packers, #87) signed football cards. I had him sign them in Feb. and have been saving them for Christmas. I'm a good aunt, sister, and daughter :)

Oh Christmas Tree --- Oh Christmas Tree
So I have my mother's love for Christmas trees. Okay, more like an obsession. This year I've started a new tree -- my Character tree. Disney, Superheros, Movies, whatever - I love it :) I can't wait to use a bigger tree next year with lights and balls and more color :) I of course did my K-State tree. I didn't do my lime green and hot pink tree, or cowboy tree this year. One I was lacking time and two, holiday spirit.
Here are some of the moments of the Christmas weekend - enjoy!
I gave my mom ornaments for her new peacock tree.
The peacock tree
I gave Josh a kinect
My mom got me a Coach wallet
The family
My mom & I
Josh & I -- our 2nd Christmas as Mr. & Mrs. (4th together)
We brought back Harry Potter wands from our trip to Orlando. Josh got Sirius Black, Me - Hermonie, Cole - Dumbledor (the Elder Wand), and Cason got Harry Potter. We opened them at the same time with my brother, Jer, not knowing anything, goes what did they get, magic wands? I thought Amy was going to never stop laughing.
I love these two - they're getting way to big!

We got Brenda this shirt on our trip to Orlando from the Nascar Bar & Grille shop.
Josh with his mom & Grandma
Only my husband would get me this :)
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. This was our first new years that we didn't have to go to the bar (long story, but whatever). We had a wonderful date night to the movies - we saw "We Bought a Zoo" --- It was awesome! We shared nachos and a Mr. Pibb :) and then had a drive thru dinner followed by watching the countdown at home and being lazy. It was nice not having to deal with Aggieville and the mess that comes with it on NYE.
Have a good one - xoxoxo
Have a good one - xoxoxo
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